Rules for Players:
1.Staff Impersonators will be banned
2.Racial Quarry's will result in a ban for everyone involved
3.Hacking, Cracking, or anything related will result in a complete ban
4.Try reading the stickies before posting to reduce the spam
5.Disrespect towards the staff will be warning x2
6.Hacking cases or anything related to that and nobody has dealt with it
then contact me at MSN:
Kuuga119@Hotmail.com7.Advertising other flyff servers will not be tolerated and the end result will be a ip ban
8.Try keeping the Flaming and Spam to a minimum
9.Asking to be part of the team without Consulting the Admin and filling out a for will be warned
10. Try not to Talk about other private servers on the forum.
11. There are three warnings if you hit those three warnings you will be automatically banned
12. no disrespecting players there just like you